Judiciary Research Methodology Evolution or Revolution

Green Revolution, white Revolution, Economic Revolution, Cultural Revolution, Industrial Revolution, Agrarian Revolution, Educational Revolution, Dalits Revolution Student Revolution and varied Socio-Economic fields are engaging the attention of different segments. A microscopic minority of Judiciary, though having importance in the constitution, but more often ignored than noticed, undermined rather than a appreciated and constantly under fire, under strain and constrains, prefers to hear the voices from graves. This segment of society is by and large dogmatic and static rather than pragmatic and dynamic. Traditionally, it takes guidance from precedents relating back to Privy Council of East India Company’s times, rather than – felt necessities of the present times.

Law is also a social institution. It is a Social Science. The basis of all Social Sciences is reason and understanding of all natural phenomenon’s. Since, law is also a Social Science, its primary function is to regulate human behaviour and relations, which are nothing but natural. Phenomena the human behaviour, relations and requirements are fast changing. Hence, it is high time to revamp the Judicial System in this country. If the society moves but the law remains static, it shall be detrimental to both the Supreme Court has given more liberal interpretation to Article 211  of the constitution and expanded the ambit of right to life and personal liberty, it has evolved compensatory Jurisprudence, implemented International conventions and treaties, issued directions for environmental Justice achievement of human rights of various groups, such as children, women disabled, scheduled casts scheduled tribes, bonded labours, minorities and socially and economically backward classes. Thus the Judiciary lived up to the expectations of our people. 

As an independent Judiciary, under the scheme of the constitution, the court has played its role effectively in acting as a watch-dog through Judicial review, over the acts of the legislature and Executive. When other two organs failed in performing their duty, Judiciary cannot remain a mute spectator, of course, in the task of rendering Justice to the teeming masses of this country, the Judiciary has to go a long way by adopting the latest technologies, I.T, put to use of Computers, Websites, and Internet in the process of Justice Delivery task.


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